A few pictures

Hi all!

Sorry it's been so long since I last posted but it's taken some getting used to with this little guy.  We're all doing well over here and adjusting to our new schedules.  Even Nugget!

Eliel is getting big!  At his last doctor's appointment, he weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces.  What an improvement from two weeks prior when he weighed only 6 pounds, 13 ounces!  Guess he's eating enough!

About a week ago, when Eliel was exactly two weeks old, his umbilical cord finally fell off.  This meant we could finally give him a proper bath!  He loves the water (as long as it's warm enough) and hardly cried while we bathe him. Of course afterwards he let us know just how unhappy he was to be out of the bath...

Our first 'official' outing was to Grandma and Grandpa Thoma's for Adam's 30th birthday celebration.  It was lots of fun and Eliel behaved so well.  We truly are lucky because he rarely cries; just fusses a lot.  He's an easy going baby so far and we hope it stays that way!

Finally, for those of you who don't know, Adam has left his job in Evanston and will now be working back at his previous job in Arlington Heights.  This is great news for all of us because Daddy will be closer to home so we can see him more! 

We also have a few videos to share with you so once those are uploaded, I hope to be posting much more frequently!  This week Eliel will turn one month old so I'm sure we will also be doing another photo shoot!

PS>  Adam said I was being too protective for not writing Eliel's name in our posts so now I am doing so. :P
