Zoo Day!

Although the weather wasn't super warm last Saturday, we decided to take a family trip to Brookfield Zoo. It was delightful in the sun, and sometimes hot when carrying an extra 20 pounds of baby!  I wish the zoo was slightly closer so we could go more often.

We got there right as it opened and headed for the monkey house.  It seems like many of the animals are much more active earlier in the morning so we were treated to some monkey play time!  The orangutangs were quite chill but we did get to see the newest addition to the gorilla family.  The baby, at only 5 months old, held on to its mom as she climbed around the enclosure.  I made sure to show Eliel so that he could learn how to hold on to me instead of me holding onto him.  I could get so many more things done that way! :)

 Following Tropic World we headed to see the penguins (Adam's favorite!)  We stopped to view a few birds on the way.  Eliel is intrigued with pretty much any animal that moves frequently.  So, birds are a current favorite!  In the penguin house, the birds are free flying and Eliel kept whipping his head around to try and keep track of them all.  It also helped that Daddy is so tall because he was able to help him lean over the glass to see the penguins better.

I also love going to Brookfield Zoo because it is one of the few places where they allow you to bring your own food.  It's a HUGE money saver for us and I would imagine for any families that have kids with allergies, it's a life saver.  We had fun eating our picnic lunch and watching the trams go by.  I can't wait until it's finally gets warmer and we can head out to the zoo more often.  I'm dying to go in the butterfly house.  I think Eliel will love it!
