Aldous is two months old already and in a way, I feel like he was just born yesterday. On the other hand, it seems like there wasn't ever a time he wasn't a part of our family.
At his pediatrician visit, Aldous weighed in at 12 pounds, 4.5 ounces which puts him in the 58th percentile. He's also 23 inches long at the 57th percentile. It seems so weird to have a kid at the 'normal' percentiles! We were always so happy when Eliel broke through the twentieth percentile. :) Aldo was born almost a full pound heavier than Eliel and eight days later though so I guess they're not as different as it seems.
Aldous loves to smile at us and tries to 'talk back' when you talk to him. He's a very smiley baby and thinks Mommy and especially Daddy are downright hilarious. He hasn't quite given us a full laugh yet but there have been some definite attempts! He is also mesmerized by his brother! When Eliel talks, Aldous will stop what he's doing and turn his head to look for Eliel. It's making feeding him rather difficult when his brother is playing nearby!
Aldous's reflux is no worse and since he is gaining weight, the doctor is going to let him grow out of the medicine. What that means is that as Aldous grows bigger and gains more weight, the medicine we are giving him (Zantac) will become less and less effective at the doses we give him. So eventually, it will not be doing anything for him and we can just take him off of it. If we take him off of it abruptly, his stomach could begin over-producing acid and could make him even worse than when we started. Our hope is that this is what will happen. There is a chance that as he gains weight we may need to increase the meds if his symptoms do not improve but let's just hope that doesn't happen!
Aldous loves to bat at hanging toys and definitely has some favorite things he likes to look at. He will contently listen to Daddy play the ukulele as long as it isn't too close to a feeding time! He tends to sleep about 4-5 hours at night which isn't too bad, especially for a baby with reflux. We've also moved him to his crib (he was sleeping in the pack 'n play in our room) so everyone is getting a better night sleep. We're hoping he can start sleeping 6-7 hours in the coming week or two.
What a treat that will be!
All in all, our little smiley guy is enjoying life! Now that we're all used to each other, everyone is having lots of fun!
At his pediatrician visit, Aldous weighed in at 12 pounds, 4.5 ounces which puts him in the 58th percentile. He's also 23 inches long at the 57th percentile. It seems so weird to have a kid at the 'normal' percentiles! We were always so happy when Eliel broke through the twentieth percentile. :) Aldo was born almost a full pound heavier than Eliel and eight days later though so I guess they're not as different as it seems.
Aldous's reflux is no worse and since he is gaining weight, the doctor is going to let him grow out of the medicine. What that means is that as Aldous grows bigger and gains more weight, the medicine we are giving him (Zantac) will become less and less effective at the doses we give him. So eventually, it will not be doing anything for him and we can just take him off of it. If we take him off of it abruptly, his stomach could begin over-producing acid and could make him even worse than when we started. Our hope is that this is what will happen. There is a chance that as he gains weight we may need to increase the meds if his symptoms do not improve but let's just hope that doesn't happen!
Aldous loves to bat at hanging toys and definitely has some favorite things he likes to look at. He will contently listen to Daddy play the ukulele as long as it isn't too close to a feeding time! He tends to sleep about 4-5 hours at night which isn't too bad, especially for a baby with reflux. We've also moved him to his crib (he was sleeping in the pack 'n play in our room) so everyone is getting a better night sleep. We're hoping he can start sleeping 6-7 hours in the coming week or two.
What a treat that will be!
All in all, our little smiley guy is enjoying life! Now that we're all used to each other, everyone is having lots of fun!
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