
Eliel had his first soccer practice on Saturday.  We were a little nervous that he was not going to want to participate although he'd been begging us to do 'soccer school' for months.  Our last adventure with a 'mom and me' class didn't go so well :(

Thankfully, Eliel LOVED his soccer class!  The weather was beautiful, the coaches were great and Eliel had fun.  We couldn't have asked for more.  I stayed home with Aldous while Daddy took Eliel to play.  Adam said he the coaches did a great job of letting the kids have fun while still incorporating some soccer skills into the class.  As always, Eliel was one of the only kids who consistently followed directions.  He also got very upset when other kids didn't follow the directions!  I have a feeling he's going to be one of those kids! :P

Anyway, when he came home, he had TONS to tell me and was talking a mile a minute.  So, I know he really enjoyed it.  It will be fun to watch what he's able to learn!
