Aldo is a talker and a singer! While we knew he loved to communicate with words, we had no idea the extent to which he loves to sing. Recently, he's started singing in the car along with songs he knows. Christmas ones seemed to be his favorite for awhile. He especially loved 'jingle bells'.
Aldo loves to listen to music that Daddy and Eliel listen to and one of his favorites it Middle Kids. I'm sure you've never heard of it but you can listen to Aldo's version below. Sometimes while he's playing, he'll bust out singing to himself. It's quite funny!
In the last few weeks, I've also discovered that Aldo has begun memorizing books that we read together. Lately, one of his favorites has been 'Go Dogs Go' which was one of Eliel's favorites at this age as well. I was amazed at how much he could 'read' back to me!
I love listening to both my kids 'read' to me and I especially love listening to them read to each other!
I'm going to try and capture Aldo singing some more as it cracks me up! He tends to stop when I take the camera out though!
I'm going to try and capture Aldo singing some more as it cracks me up! He tends to stop when I take the camera out though!
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