What We've Been Up To

Time seems to be flying by while at the same time standing still.  It's very strange to say the least.  Each day seems long and sometimes I can't wait for it to be over, yet when I look back, I can't believe we've been staying home for almost ten weeks now.  Wow.

We've gotten into a new routine of Zoom calls, school work and play.  I don't have  much time to get many of my chores done as I used to but I'm getting better and finding the time and the boys are getting  better at being more independent with certain things. 

As usual, the best way for me to show you what we've been up to is through pictures so here it goes!

Aldo loves seeing his friends from preschool!

Eliel has become very independent on the iPad

Easter egg decorating gone wrong

Oops, forgot the gloves!

Eliel loves playing Ticket To Ride with Auntie Cat

New wheels

Zooming with Auntie Cat

Blanket Fort Building

Planting seeds for our garden

Playing Catch when the weather is nice

Lots and lots of games

More Zooming

Lots of walks

Oh Aldo....

Lots of gardening

Yes, more zooming

Making things out of pipe cleaners

and crazy amounts of baking

Oh, and one more Zoom, Whew!

I hope that even though we had to cancel so many fun and amazing experiences, the boys remember our time at home as fun and worthwhile.  It may not have been what we would have chosen to do, but we made the best of it nonetheless.
Hopefully the nice weather and lessening of some restrictions will help make the summer enjoyable.  All I know is we're going to make the best of it no matter what.  One more week of 'school' and then summer begins!  Woo hoo!  Stay tuned for some innovative adventures!
