Way Overdue Zoo

Last week Tuesday, Eliel and I were invited to meet Grandma at the zoo since she was bringing a bus full of high school students there.  Eliel and I happily obliged and joined her.  I forgot my camera so the pictures have been on my phone and therefore, I forgot about them until now.

I didn't take too many pictures but since we had a few close encounters with some larger mammals, I couldn't resist. 

One of the brown bears was laying right next to the glass window.  All of the adults wanted to put their hand up right next to the bear's enormous paw but most kids were a little too nervous that that the glass might not be thick enough, Eliel included.  He was a bit reluctant to get any closer to the bear than what you see in the pictures.  Not that I blame him, that paw is HUGE!

We also were treated to a very upset lion who decided he was going to very loudly roar at his reflection.  It was so awesome to hear but again, all of the kids around us wanted nothing to do with this lion!  He wasn't the smiling, roaring lion from their storybooks.  Eliel watched for about 5 seconds before he shook his head vigorously 'no' and demanded we go somewhere else with a very strict point in the opposite direction.

We were only at Brookfield Zoo for the morning but we got to see a lot!  One of Eliel's favorite things this time were the waterfalls (reminiscent of our recent vacation) in the monkey house.  Hopefully the weather will stay temperate this fall and winter and we can continue to visit the zoo.  Brookfield is nice because there are so many indoor animal houses that even if it's a bit chilly, you can always go into a nice, warm, smelly animal house to warm up!
