38 weeks

Made it to 38 weeks and everything still looks good!  The doctor said that everything looks good but of course can't tell us when the baby might be coming. I did start having some Braxton Hicks contractions this weekend which up until now, I had not had before with my first or this pregnancy.  It made for a a little excitement!
As for my baby bump (which I think should be called a baby mountain) which may not look like it's grown much but it sure feels like it has!  It also feels like it may have dropped a bit but doesn't quite look like it. 

38 weeks
As for the baby hunch it was quite interesting to see what everyone thinks about what the gender might be and when the baby might be born. It seems like the majority of you think the baby is a girl.  Can't wait to see if you're right! 
If you'd like to check out what the general conscensus is on baby hunch, you can check out the page here:
