Picture Update

Can't believe it's almost been a month since I sat down to make a blog post.  So much has happened and yet so little! 

The boys have been really enjoying each other's company lately and have been playing well together.  I'm sure the influx of new toys from Christmas had something to do with it, but nevertheless, the seem to finally like each other! :)

With a lack of things to do on the weekend, we've been making our own fun.  We traveled to a local distillery, nature center and spent lots of time playing with Auntie Cat!

Eliel has requested to stay up on New Year's Eve to try and see the beginning of 2019.  After lots of games in order to keep him awake, he made it!  He was so happy he did but went to be at about 12:03!

Aldo started soccer and while he has trouble following the rest of the group all of the time.  He is loving it!  Seems to be helping to tire him out as well!

Finally, this past weekend, with all the snow, we have a wonderful time playing and sledding in it.  We went to a huge sledding him with some families from Eliel's school and had a blast for about two hours despite the cold.  

We've been having lots of fun and are looking forward to more weekends of winter fun!
